Monday, 31 August 2009

End of the month

It's been a busy month for the industry, hopefully the beginning of things looking up. I've definitely had more conversations with clients about projects that can be described as immininent, or happening, which is a big improvement on most of last year whene everyone stopped doing anything.

First up in my weekly news updates is this piece which I have to say I mostly disagree with.

"..note that during this severe global recession, worldwide oil usage has dropped by a minuscule 2.7%" I have to say that 2.7% of global oil usage is actually a hell of a lot of oil!

I agree when they say that the price of oil will go up due to demand vs. peak oil, but the statement that only 14 of the 54 oil producing counties are still increasing production, whgilst true, is very misleading. Those countries are the biggest producers by an incredibly large amount.

Without labouring the point, I think what has failed to be taken into account s that s the oil price does go up, more money will be spent in E&P, and so this will improve the picture considerably.

China again, and they're losing money, although I guess this isn't a major surprise given how much they have spent in the last few months.

Good news again for the deepwater market with some interesting figures about Transocean's latest contract.

Jobs as last week - email me your CV if you're interested.

Production Supervisor - Norway - Residential position. Must have experience with FPSO production projects.
Driller - Modular Workover Rig - India. Client are quite flexible on Nationality, but must have worked on these modular workover rigs offshore.
Technical Safety - Norway - Residential position. Must have experience with Process Engineering and Production Engineering experience.

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