Wednesday, 18 November 2009

back to normal

Was away on holiday last week, in the rain. Lovely.

Seems like things have been steady though, nothing too major on the oil and gas front, just the price dipping down, and slowly resurfacing again. Vacancies are still a bit thin on the ground; lots of plans for next year, but nothing new that's concrete for this year.

In the news:

This interesting article about Vietnamese oil and gas production. It's a little under-utilised at the moment, although there seem to be a few drilling contractors heading that way soon.

I guess one of the main news stories is that Ensco are relocating to the UK. Links are here and Ensco's take is here. I wonder why they have chosen the UK? Taxes are pretty high, and life's pretty expensive, but hopefully this will encourage them to employ a few more people from Europe.

This article shows how desperate the anti-drilling lobby are in the US to prevent offshore drilling. Not only is it ridiculous to invoke the military as a reason not to drill, but I guess this means that the US military would e unable to attack across Ocean that has oil rigs in it. Better not tell Iran this, they'll have the perfect defence. However, they seem to be losing ground, as there will be a big sale next year.

Obama was in SE Asia, and China, promoting goodwill and strengthening Economic and Political ties. He's definitely trying to get access to some of the oil revenues that China are getting, particularly from Myanmar. Interesting article here.

That's all for now. Looking for Drillers for the GOM, Cyberbase Semi experience. A Chief Officer for an AHTS vessel in Angola, and Piping and Safety Engineers for Abudhabi.

Email me at the usual address if you are interested or know anyone who might be.

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